LOGAN, UT SEPTEMBER 20, 2008 I did it! I completed my life long goal of running my first marathon. With the support of my sweet husband, cute kids and the rest of my family, good friends and running partners I came in at 3 hours 54 minutes and 39 seconds. Under 4 hours!!! The whole thing was such a great experience I am now training for my next marathon in Las Vegas on December 7th!
We are the McGuire's. There are currently five members in our little family. Todd, Celest, Sydney, Trystan and Baxter. Todd will be 31 years old this year. He loves golf, wakeboarding, snowboarding and the outdoors. He currently works for a private resort developer out of Holladay and really enjoys his work.
Celest is approaching her mid twenties and loves being a full-time mom. Her interests are her family, rock climbing, scrapbooking, and going to the beach. She also is a lover of the outdoors, and the ocean having grown up in Southern California.
Sydney turned 2 in December. She loves Otter Pops, playing with Baxter, going to the park, going on long walks, and reading books. She is an outdoors girl as well, and has a love for being outdoors. Trystan is almost 6 months old now, and likes to eat, smile, and soil his diaper. That's all. Baxter is a dog. The kids really enjoy him, and we like the fact that he is a great watchdog. His favorite game is keep away, and is really good at it. Also enjoys the outdoors. Drop us a line sometime, we'd love to hear from you.
yay! now, my question, did you do this post or did todd? :) if it was you, you go girl! i'm impressed!
I did it! I'm getting this blog thing all figured out!
yay... look what benefits come from bunco... Celest updated her blog!! love it! :)
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