Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Our New Arrival!!

Trystan Jeffery McGuire was born on Sunday, August 19 2007 at 3:18 pm. His weight was the same as Sydney at 7 lbs 5 oz and measured 19 cm in length. We feel really blessed to have another healthy, beautiful baby and it was quite the experience bringing him into this world. Celest woke up at 1:00 am on Sunday morning having some intense contractions that weren't necessarily painful, but uncomfortable. She just endured those contractions until we arrived at the hospital at 9:45 am. At that time, she was checked and her cervix was dialated 7 cm. We were both excited that this would be a fairly smooth birth. Little did we know.......About 45 min later, she was dialated 10 cm and it was time to start pushing. After about 30 minutes pushing, there was very little progress being made, so the doctor was able to determine that the baby was posterior and wasn't moving down the birth canal. Our doctor attempted turning the baby around several times, which resulted in a lot of pain for Celest, and we decided to try our luck with an epidural so the doctor could do what he needed without Celest suffering as much. Again, the epidural was unsucessful, and we had one last attempt before resorting to a cesarian. The doctor suggest using the vacuum to rotate the baby, and fortunate for us it worked!! We were so relieved. In all, Celest was pushing for 3.5-4 hours. She is such a tuffie. I wish I were that tough. Anyways, it was quite the ordeal, but well worth it.


mariah said...

YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU Trystan!! We are sooo happy for all of you. The McGuire Family is the most beautiful famile EVER! Congratulations to you all. Blessings really DO come in small packeges! Talk to you all soon!

Mark, Mariah and Sadie

Whit & Shane said...

oh my goodness.... he is adorable... i am so excited for you guys! congrats congrats!! he will just love his aunt whit whit! love you guys and cant wait to ya'll soon!!

Wendy said...

Congratulations Todd and Celest! What a beautiful baby boy. I also love the name Trystan. Celest you are amazing to be able to deliver a baby without an epideral. What a sacrifice you make to bring these beautiful children into the world. I'm proud of you both. You are wonderful parents! We can't wait to see him. Love you, Wendy

The Larsen's said...

Yeah!!! his is finally here! he is soo cute! i cant wait to meet him in person! Congrats you guys! love ya and miss ya!

Brooke said...

For all of those that haven't met him yet...you are missin out. He is even cuter in person if that seems possible. He is just teeny tiny and has the most adorable little features. Hard to imagine my little man was ever that small! Congrats you guys!